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WebSite Auditor v4.58.16
Windows 10 / Windows 11 / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows XP
570 MB

WebSite Auditor is an excellent SEO tool that simplifies on-page optimization and allows you to quickly move your website up the SERPs. It is divided into two parts that address all aspects of on-page SEO. The first module is about site structure audits, which will help you rapidly identify structural faults in your site that are preventing it from ranking well. Simply click "Analyze" and WebSite Auditor will swiftly examine your entire site's structure, revealing inconsistencies that require repair, such as broken links, coding problems, duplicate content, missing page titles and descriptions, and more. The second module helps you optimize your site's content for search engines. The tools will X-ray the top ten competitor sites, estimate the optimal keyword density for your category, and provide an Onpage Optimization Report that pinpoints nearly exact locations where your keywords should appear and suggests their density. 

Need an XML sitemap? No issue; it will take care of that. It creates a sitemap from the pages you provide, allows you to simply upload it to your site, pings important search engines, and keeps it up to date at all times. The simple Scheduler function enables you to perform site structure analysis and content analysis while away from your workstation. Built-in search safety procedures ensure that the software runs without glitches or disruptions. Furthermore, the Auditor is available in seven languages and runs on Windows, Linux, and macOS. Still working on-page by hand? Leave it to WebSite Auditor.

Features & Highlights 

The SEO spider sees your site as search engines do. 
The software, like search engine bots, scours your entire site for and audits all internal and external resources, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Flash, photos, videos, and more. The program also allows you to crawl your site like Google, Bing, or Yahoo, following robots.txt guidelines for any bot, so you can see and study the same pages that search engines do. 

Detailed technical site audits 
It will quickly identify all of the issues on your site that can affect search engine indexation, rankings, and user experience, including broken links and images, duplicate content, poor mobile usability, redirect chains, internal linking issues, heavy pages and scripts, W3C validation errors, thin content, and more. What is the best part? For each issue you discover, you'll be given a list of pages affected as well as explicit, step-by-step instructions on how to remedy it. 

Robots.txt and Sitemap Generator 
Generate an XML sitemap or robots.txt file with the press of a button, without worrying about the files' complex syntax. Have you already set up a sitemap and robots instructions? Review and modify the files in the app whenever necessary, and then upload the changes to your site via FTP immediately. 

Intelligent on-page SEO assessment. 
Measure optimization rates for any page and keyword using your top-ranking competitors' pages as well as your own on-page statistics. Get keyword- and page-specific optimization recommendations, and reverse-engineer your competitors' techniques to figure out what helps them rank high. 

In-app content optimization 
The Auditor does more than just review your material. It allows you to optimize pages in-app, using a user-friendly WYSIWYG interface or HTML, and provides step-by-step SEO recommendations as you type. In a separate tab, you may write and change your pages' title and meta description tags, as well as preview your Google snippet just below. Are you done optimizing? A single click saves the SEO-perfect HTML to your hard drive, ready for uploading. 

Customizable, automated reports 
WebSite Auditor's reports are customized, white-labeled, and made to look great across all devices. Easily share reports with clients by uploading them to the cloud and receiving an instant shareable link, or entirely automate reporting by scheduling a job. Web Site Auditor will generate reports automatically and deliver them to clients on your schedule, via direct link or attachment, in plain text or custom HTML email. 

Please remember that the demo version does not allow you to save or load projects. Requires Java Runtime Environment.