Software Policy

Filesalad takes great satisfaction in being open and honest with its partners, customers, and the industry in which it works. To uphold this concept, the purpose of this Software Policy is to make sure that everyone is aware of the rules governing the usage of software and applications on the Filesalad sites, including developers, users, marketers, and the general public. Additional particular criteria are applicable to Filesalad services or websites in particular languages.

Basic Principles

Users should be presented with a clear and valuable proposal by the software or application.

Filesalad maintains the right to refuse to make software or applications available from its websites that it, in its sole judgment, believes to include or be connected to viruses, malware, spyware, or other dangers to a user's privacy.

Drive-by downloads, or the inadvertent downloading of software or apps without user permission, are strictly prohibited.

Disclosure and Clear Behavior

  1. Users should be able to understand the main features, important functions, and precise impacts of the software on their systems at the time of installation.
  2. There should be a verified signature on the software or application that comes from a reliable certificate authority.
  3. The owner of the product or application must be identified on the landing page for it, together with a working physical mailing address and an email address that is easy to find.
  4. The user should have the chance to read and agree to the applicable Terms of Service (TOS), End User Licence Agreement (EULA), and privacy policy before installing any software or applications.
  5. On the user's device, the program or application shouldn't be installed in a quiet way.
  6. When installing software, users should be given a meaningful chance to consider all suggested installation options and system changes. They also shouldn't be tricked or mislead into authorising such changes.
  7. When bundled software is presented to users, it should provide a "skip all" option for all advertisements and offers. Alternatively, if the user rejects the first offer, he should not receive any more offers.
  8. Before downloading, the user should be able to easily see and understand the name of every bundled application.
  9. Ad insertion is not possible with any of the bundled applications or the main software.
  10. Applications and software shouldn't use deceptive practices (like false advertising or scare tactics).
  11. Applications and software shouldn't exhibit unexpected behaviour, such as but not restricted to:
  1. Negatively impact system performance beyond what a reasonable user would anticipate
  2. Getting beyond technical safeguards for other programmes or material Monitoring or changing network traffic, unless it pertains to the software's declared primary functions
  3. Determine ways to avoid being tested for malware.
  1. Notifications of software and application updates must to be clearly visible to the user. The user must accept any updates that impact primary functionality.
  2. Applications and software must abide by the most recent browser modification guidelines.
  3. Applications and software that aim to gather or send personally identifiable information must do so in a transparent manner by outlining exactly what data will be gathered or sent.
  4. Processing sensitive data, such as financial data, shouldn't happen without encryption.
  5. Applications and software shouldn't send spam.

Clear Uninstallation Process

  1. Disabling or removing any software or application from one's device or system should be a simple process for users.
  2. Users should not have to pay for the uninstallation of software or applications, nor should they have to endure a drawn-out series of pointless uninstall procedures.
  3. No further offers should be shown to users while the removal is being done or after it is.
  4. The choice to uninstall the programme or application entirely ought to be the most noticeable one if the consumer is given other options.
  5. Uninstallation cannot affect other files or use any other kind of trickery or fear mongering to discourage uninstallation. One instance of this strategy is making false claims about how the user's computer or privacy will be negatively impacted.
  6. Reversing software and apps that alter a computer's settings is a good idea. When a browser makes changes, it must make it obvious to the user how to reverse those changes.
  7. The software or application may not leave any traces or programmes behind when it is disabled or destroyed. It may also not stay active or enable itself or another software or application to activate it later.

In its sole discretion, FileSalad reserves the right to instantly reject any software or apps that violate this policy, are deemed detrimental to its users, its reputation, or its interests, or to blacklist software or applications from appearing on its websites. This policy is being improved all the time. Please get in touch with us at any time to discuss how we can better it and identify breaches that occur.