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TeXstudio v4.8.0
Windows 10 / Windows 11 / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows XP
139 MB

TeXstudio is a fully integrated writing environment for authoring LaTeX texts. As a result, TeXstudio has a variety of capabilities such as syntax highlighting, an integrated viewer, reference checking, and other assistants. TeXstudio is open source and compatible with all major operating systems. TeXstudio was split from Texmaker in 2009 due to the latter's non-open development methodology and differing attitudes on configuration and functionality. 

Easy Editing 

Edit multiple places simultaneously. Vertical blocks can also be copied and pasted. 

Automatic completion 
It suggests suitable LaTeX commands as you type. There is a tooltip to assist you understand the command. 

More than 1,000 mathematical symbols 
Quick access to over 1000 mathematical symbols. 

Link overlay 
When you move your mouse over filenames, references, and citations and hold down the mouse button, they become links. 

Bookmarks can help you keep track of crucial locations in your writing and navigate to them quickly. 

Drag-and-drop image support 
When you drag a picture onto the editor, the image helper appears. From there, it's just one more click to get the code for the picture inclusion. 

Features & Highlights

  • IWE = Integrated Writing Environment. 
  • All LaTeX tools can be invoked from TeX studio with a single keypress, and you can add your own command-line arguments (for example, forwarding/inverse search). 
  • Easily add LaTeX tags and 1102 mathematical symbols to your text with wizards that generate code for documents, tabular/array environments, and BibTex kinds. 
  • LaTeX errors are presented in a Log box and highlighted within the text file. 
  • BibTeX will be automatically called whenever the bib files are changed. 
  • LaTeX documentation where you can lookup the tags you don't know. 
  • Customizable menus, toolbars, and environments 
  • Controlling TeX Studio using User-Written Scripts 
  • DDE allows you to interact with other Windows apps. 
  • In addition, there are customisable code snippets and a tabbed MDI view. 
  • A powerful text editor built on QCodeEdit. 
  • Interactive spell checker that highlights spelling errors as you type 
  • Interactive reference checker that highlights incorrect reference/label combinations and citations 
  • Interactive syntax checker that highlights incorrectly worded LaTeX commands. Syntax highlighting rendering LaTex commands in several, customisable formats. 
  • Code folding allows you to hide specific blocks. 
  • Auto-completion completes tags and displays help information, utilizing kile's taglists. Unicode compatibility is available for all file encodings. 
  • Use incremental search and replace on a search panel at the bottom of the text panel. 
  • Text Navigation navigates to bookmarks, specific lines, last changes, and LaTeX errors/warnings. 
  • Key Remapping single keys for automatic text insertion (e.g., lovely quotation marks) 
  • In addition, line numbers, repetition checker, dynamic word wrapping, parenthesis highlighting, parenthesis completion, Unicode table, undo/redo, line change status, table editor... 
  • Utilities include Structure View, which displays a file's logical hierarchy and allows for interactive updates. 
  • PDF Preview displays the compiled PDF file and supports syntax. 
  • Math Preview displays the latex output of a single equation in the text. 
  • The Find in Files window allows you to search the currently opened files. 
  • Thesaurus that displays probable synonyms for a specific term. 
  • HTML Converter generates HTML from your LaTeX-based PS-file. 
  • Text analysis counts and displays frequently used words or phrases. 
  • Random Text Generator that generates a text similar to the one you wrote. 
  • SVN support for synchronizing local changes with the repository. 
  • Installation 
  • Automatic detection of MikTeX, Ghostscript, and Standardlatex. 
  • USB-Mode maintains its settings in a texmakerx.ini (only if you create one!), allowing you to utilize the same setup on several computers.