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Reboot Restore Rx Pro 2709703329
Windows / Windows 10 / Windows 11 / Windows 7 / Windows 8
54.3 MB

Reboot Restore Rx Pro (previously Drive Vaccine) prevents any and all alterations to your drive(s), rendering those PCs impregnable and unbreakable. It's intended for public-access computing contexts including schools, computer laboratories, kiosks, hotels, internet cafés, and libraries. 

"We understand that servicing PCs in the public arena requires courage, as users are not always careful and computer usage is significant. That's why we designed Reboot Restore Rx Pro to be fast, effective, and efficient. Regardless of what a user does (such as deleting files, installing applications, or even altering the system registry), Reboot Restore Rx Pro will automatically restore the PC to the appropriate system state on the schedule you specify." 

It includes Reboot-and-Restore, a simple technology that keeps computers completely operational and optimally set. In addition to rebooting, it may recover on user log-off and retain a secure "Immune Space" for file and data storage. 

The program significantly simplifies computer maintenance and is extensively used to secure public access PCs (for example, library public computers, school PC labs, etc.) or shared computing situations where a workstation may be harmed intentionally or unintentionally by a PC user. 

It optimizes workstation efficiency by deleting online cookies, spyware, viruses, and unwanted plug-ins that might cause system bottlenecks. Any infections to a "immunized" system are immediately eliminated; workstations are restored to their previous configuration on every restart, log-off, or on any fixed schedule. Because it does not restrict access and is transparent to users, they feel in complete control of the system, which improves their computing experience. 

The most prevalent risks are viruses and spyware, with new infections emerging on a daily basis. In addition, individuals can cause unintentional damage to PCs by tampering with system settings or installing faulty software. Reboot RestoreRx Professional (previously Drive Vaccine) maintains a stable baseline that is free of malware and system modifications. 

The program RMC (Remote Management Console) is a free utility provided to any clients who need remote management capabilities for their Reboot Restore PC installations. The RMC solution provides a comprehensive client-server network management solution for PC client installations, allowing administrators to effortlessly control client PCs from anywhere via LAN, WAN, or the Internet.

Features and Highlights

  • Restore on Reboot. 
  • Restore on Log-Off 
  • Restore to an idle PC (no activity) 
  • Restore using an hourly schedule. 
  • restore on a daily timetable 
  • Restore daily on the first restart of the day or weekly. 
  • Automatically accepts OS and antivirus upgrades. 
  • Keep crucial data using "Immune Space" 
  • Block access to CD-ROM and USB interfaces. 
  • No hardware (dongle or recovery card) is required. 
  • Protect unlimited hard disk partitions. 
  • Restore hard disks to their stable original condition automatically on any schedule (every reboot, log-off, end-of-day, weekly, monthly). 
  • Easily write-protect each hard drive with two clicks (restore on reboot). 
  • Block USB devices and CD media. 
  • Remote Management Console for Remote Network Administration (Free of Charge) 
  • Create an immune space. 
  • No particular hard drive partition arrangement is required.


To summarize, selecting Reboot Restore Rx Pro is a wise decision for businesses and individuals seeking dependable and efficient system security against undesired alterations. With its user-friendly interface and powerful features, Reboot Restore Rx Pro provides important tools for restoring systems to their original state upon reboot, effectively removing the need for time-consuming manual re-imaging or troubleshooting. Whether you manage public access PCs, kiosks, or shared workstations, Reboot Restore Rx Pro ensures system integrity and prevents illegal modifications. Furthermore, its scheduling and configuration capabilities enable the flexible administration of system restoration policies to meet unique user requirements. Don't settle for insufficient system protection; download Reboot Restore Rx Pro immediately and experience hassle-free system maintenance with confidence and convenience!

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