Version Latest
Anki 24.04.1
Windows 10 / Windows 11 / Windows 7 / Windows 8
145 MB

Anki is an education and reference tool designed from the bottom up to assist students or anybody else looking to improve their long-term recollection of data. This app's main techniques are cards and decks, which are collections of questions and answers that users can make for themselves or obtain from others. 

The application displays and manages how many cards are repeated, based on user feedback to assess progress in learning. Users are only required to read questions, provide answers, and mark each card as "Again", "Good", "Easy", or "Very Easy", which will assist the software in determining how frequently this card should be brought up during the learning session to help users maximize their memory.

  • Learn a language 
  • Studying for medical and legal tests 
  • Remembering people's names and faces 
  • Brushing up on geography 
  • Mastering long poetry. 
  • Even playing guitar chords!

Anki's user interface for Windows PC is straightforward and intuitive, allowing anyone to effortlessly manage existing card decks or begin designing their own. The application monitors all card usage and displays a comprehensive set of facts for each card and deck, such as the date the card was generated, how many times it was edited, the difficulty rating, the average duration of user processing, how many times it was presented, tags, reviews, and much more. During each practice session, the app tracks statistics for each deck and even displays the projected time for the exercise's completion. 

In addition to the learning component of the program, Anki has a full card and deck builder, allowing users to rapidly construct their own learning exercises. They can change everything, including the content, titles, colors, font and style, and more. Study sessions can also be modified in terms of time length, amount of cards shown, and even a handy limit on how many new cards are introduced per day. 

Anki is a highly configurable education and reference application that can be extremely useful to anyone who wants to learn. It is especially excellent for learning foreign languages, as the cards contain new words and phrases that must be practiced daily. Users should be aware, however, that the software's user interface is somewhat outdated, that there is no offline Help or FAQ, and that online video tutorials are only available for the most recent versions of the app, leaving extremely competent previous versions without official help references.

Anki is completely free and suited for Windows 7, 8, and 10.

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