Version Latest
Xojo v1.1
Windows 10 / Windows 11 / Windows 7 / Windows 8
1.1 GB

Xojo for Windows is an application development environment that offers developers a significant gain in productivity over existing cross-platform development tools. Xojo features a drag-and-drop feature that allows you to quickly develop a user interface design and then incorporate the code below to add power and functionality. The application is very compatible with Visual Basic, allowing Visual Basic developers to become productive rapidly. 

The Xojo Desktop edition also includes a utility that converts Visual Basic projects to the app, where they may be compiled for macOS, Windows, Linux, the web, and iOS with the click of a checkbox. It runs on macOS, Windows, Linux, iOS, and the web, all from the same source code. The program includes platform-specific intelligence, such as user interface widgets, so that applications developed using the tool appear and feel native, regardless of the development platform used. Develop robust database applications with The app's built-in database uses the SQLite public domain database engine. It is compatible with standard vector image formats. 

Features & Highlights 

The software includes support for graphics, database servers, internet protocols, and other features, allowing you to create almost anything. It allows you to create commercial software products, utilities to make your life easier, and even learn to code. In reality, the application serves as the tool! 

Build apps 10 times faster. 
You can support numerous platforms with a single set of source code, and there are over 40 built-in user interface controls to ensure that your app looks and behaves how you want it to on each platform. On the web, you may design your web app using a single strong language rather than HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript, or AJAX, saving you a lot of development time! 

Modern Development. 
The app uses a modern object-oriented programming language. It enables inheritance, interfaces, polymorphism, and is also tightly typed. There are millions of variations in OS API calls, and the program abstracts these intricacies, significantly decreasing development time and allowing you to focus on what distinguishes your application. 

Native, cross-platform. 
The apps do not use an interpreter or virtual machine; instead, they are compiled to machine code for speed and intellectual property protection. The tool makes advantage of native controls, ensuring that your program looks and feels right on any device. Development is also cross-platform. Create your project on your preferred operating system, then build it for any platform that the app supports.