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Windows Management Framework v5.1
Windows 10 / Windows 11 / Windows 7 / Windows 8
14.5 MB

The Windows Management Framework is the foundation of Microsoft's task automation framework since it gives IT users updated management capability and enables you to use management technologies included in all operating systems, from Windows 7 to Windows 2012 R2. 

Windows Management Framework integrates a number of components, including Windows PowerShell, Windows PowerShell Integrated Scripting Environment, Windows PowerShell Web Services, Windows Remote Management, and Windows Management Infrastructure, taking into account the enhancements and practical features that come with each OS. 

Each component gives you practical alternatives to improve your Windows experience and gives you an accessible way to adjust the operating system infrastructure. 

That being stated, you can carry out administrative operations on both local and distant systems because Windows PowerShell has complete access to COM and WMI. Additionally, it offers you a hosting API so you can execute certain activities and embed Windows PowerShell into several apps. 

You may develop, debug, and execute functions in a script pane, manage and automate tasks, and execute interactive commands in a console pane by utilizing Windows PowerShell Integrated Scripting Environment, or Windows PowerShell ISE for short. 

The subsequent element, Windows PowerShell Web Services (often referred to as PSWS or Management OData IIS Extension), allows you to obtain a more comprehensive summary of all the faults that have occurred. You can also use it to grow an associated instance while a query is being executed. 

Within an IT architecture, information may be easily accessed and exchanged with ease thanks to Windows Remote Management, or WinRM. Additionally, you can get hardware and system data, as well as management data from both local and remote machines, by using Windows Remote Management. 

Last but not least, you may easily create WMI scripts or programs to automate administrative operations on distant PCs by using Windows Management Infrastructure, or WMI. 

Taking into account everything mentioned above, Windows Management Framework is a dependable program that comes with installed management features for a variety of operating systems. 

Note: Requires .NET Framework!