Version Latest
WampServer v3.3.2 (64-bit)
Windows 10 / Windows 11 / Windows 7 / Windows 8
320.09 MB

WampServer is a Windows-based web development environment. It allows you to build web applications using Apache, PHP, and the MySQL database. It also includes phpMyAdmin, which allows you to effortlessly manage your databases. The app is the only packaged solution that enables you to replicate your production server. 

Once the software is installed, you can add as many Apache, MySQL, and PHP releases as you like. Once the application is installed, you can add as many Apache, MySQL, and PHP releases as you like. The utility also includes a tray icon for managing your server and its settings. 

WampServer 64bit immediately installs everything you need to start developing web apps and is extremely easy to use. You will be able to tweak your server without even touching the configuration files. 

Looking for WampServer 32-bit! Download here.


WampServer is a sophisticated and popular open-source software stack that makes it easier to create a local development environment for web applications. It stands for "Windows, Apache, MySQL, and PHP," and as the name implies, it is primarily intended for Windows OS users. It packages all of the necessary components for web development, making it a one-stop shop for developers and enthusiasts looking to create and test online apps on their local PCs. 

Key Features

Integrated Apache Server: It incorporates the Apache HTTP server, one of the world's most popular and dependable web servers, guaranteeing that your web applications function properly. 

MySQL Database: It includes MySQL, a comprehensive relational database management system that allows you to create, manage, and connect with databases easily. 

PHP Interpreter: It includes PHP, a server-side scripting language that lets you create and test dynamic web applications locally. 

phpMyAdmin: A web-based database management tool called phpMyAdmin is included for efficient database administration duties. 

Easy Switching: The program allows you to switch between multiple PHP and MySQL versions with a few clicks, making it flexible to a variety of project needs. 

Virtual Host Management: You can construct and maintain virtual hosts, allowing you to work on many projects simultaneously under different domain names. 

Addon Components: It allows the insertion of additional components such as Python, Perl, and others, increasing its versatility. 

Development Tools: It includes a number of tools and configurations for debugging and profiling web applications, such as Xdebug and X-Robots Tag. 

Security: It provides a variety of security settings, allowing you to safeguard your development environment from external threats. 

SSL/TLS support is available, allowing you to test and develop secure websites locally. 

User Interface

It has a simple user interface that makes it easier to manage your local development environment. The primary dashboard displays a rapid summary of the services (Apache, MySQL, and PHP) and their status. You may start, stop, and restart these services with a single click, making it simple to manage your development environment. 

The interface also provides rapid access to critical configuration files and folders, virtual host management, and phpMyAdmin for database administration. It strikes a mix between beginner-friendly simplicity and extensive customization possibilities. 

Installation & Setup?

Download: Go to the official website or FileSalad to get the most recent version for your Windows operating system. 

Installation: Launch the installer and follow the on-screen directions. You can select the installation path and set the default web browsers and text editors. 

Configuration: After installing the software, run it from the Start Menu. The system tray icon will display its current state (red for offline, orange for partially online, and green for completely connected). Left-clicking on the icon gives you access to important functionalities. 

Virtual Hosts: To configure virtual hosts, go to the "www" directory in the installation folder and create subdirectories for each project. Edit the virtual host setup in the interface. 

Database Setup: The dashboard provides access to phpMyAdmin, which allows you to effortlessly set up and manage databases. 

Security: To safeguard your development environment, create strong passwords and set up firewall rules. 

How To Use?

Starting and stopping services: To start and stop Apache, MySQL, and PHP, click the system tray icon. Green signifies that they are running, but red indicates that they are stopped. 

Creating Virtual Hosts: From the dashboard, select "Add a Virtual Host," and then follow the wizard to create a custom domain for your project. 

phpMyAdmin: Open phpMyAdmin from the dashboard to manage your MySQL databases, add tables, and run SQL queries. 

Switching PHP and MySQL Versions: Use the menu to switch between PHP and MySQL versions based on your project's needs. 

Configuring PHP parameters: Edit the PHP configuration file to change parameters such as error reporting, memory limit, and others. 

System Requirements

  • Windows 7, 8, 10, 11 (32-bit or 64-bit)
  • 1.0 GHz processor or faster
  • 2 GB RAM or more
  • 1 GB of free hard disk space


  • Easy setup and user-friendly interface.
  • Bundles essential web development components.
  • Support for multiple PHP and MySQL versions.
  • Virtual host management for project isolation.
  • Active community and regular updates.
  • Free and open-source.


  • Limited to Windows operating systems.
  • Not suitable for production use.
  • May require manual configuration for advanced setups.


WampServer is a dependable and user-friendly option for Windows-based web developers looking for a simple way to set up a local development environment. It combines necessary components, has a simple installation process, and provides customization possibilities to meet project requirements. 

While it is not ideal for hosting production websites, it is an excellent tool for testing and developing web apps on a Windows PC. With an active community and regular updates, it remains a popular choice among developers trying to streamline their process without breaking the bank.


Q. Is WampServer just for Windows? 
Yes, the app was intended primarily for Windows. If you use macOS or Linux, consider utilizing MAMP (for macOS) or XAMPP (for all major platforms). 

Q. Can I use WampServer to run production websites? 
It is not suggested to use the app on production websites. It is meant solely for local development and testing. In production, use a dedicated web server environment. 

Q. How do I get to my local website from other devices on my network? 
Configure virtual hosts and make sure your firewall accepts incoming connections. Other devices on the same network can access the website by utilizing your WampServer machine's IP address. 

Q. Can I use WampServer to install additional software components such as Node.js and Ruby on Rails? 
It focuses on the Windows, Apache, MySQL, and PHP stacks. If you require Node.js or Ruby on Rails, consider using standalone utilities such as Node.js Installer or RailsInstaller. 

Q. Is WampServer suitable for beginners? 
Yes, WampServer's user-friendly interface and simple installation make it an ideal alternative for novices. It also includes additional features for skilled users.