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VASSAL Engine v3.7.12
Windows 10 / Windows 11 / Windows 7 / Windows 8
66.2 MB

VASSAL is a game engine for creating and playing online versions of board and card games. Play live over the Internet or by email. VASSAL Engine is free, open-source software that operates on any platform. 

VASSAL is a free engine for creating and playing online versions of turn-based, human-versus-human games. Players move and manipulate game pieces using the mouse while inputting accompanying text. Moves can be recorded in a log file and played back one at a time via email. 

During live Internet play, all moves and text are instantly transmitted to other players in real time. Combining a live VASSAL Engine session with a third-party Internet voice-chat program (such as NetMeeting or TeamSpeak) allows you to play with individuals from all over the world at a pace that is very similar to face-to-face. 

What makes VASSAL different from other board gaming tools? 

  • Play in real-time with a live Internet connection or via email. 
  • You can switch between email and live play as many times as you want during the game. 
  • A 100% Java application can run on any platform. 
  • An intuitive drag-and-drop and menu-driven interface with numerous keyboard shortcuts 
  • The auto-report feature automatically reports customized messages in response to each motion. 
  • Customizable maps: specify the number of map windows, each with its own set of tools. Create your own icons for the toolbar. 
  • Counters can be customized: each counter can have its own right-click menu, complete with nested menus. Create your own keyboard shortcuts. 
  • Customizable help files: create your own HTML-based online help pages. Create your own charts and tables for use during gaming. Create your own interactive tutorials. 
  • Advanced counter definitions include rotating to any number of facings, n-sided, combining layers, arbitrary forms, text labels with adjustable fonts and colors, and property sheets. 
  • Limited information capability: components that conceal their identities or become fully invisible. Map windows can be concealed from other players. 
  • Import any GIF, JPG, or PNG graphics files for your maps and counters. 
  • Modular, extendable design with an open-source Java codebase.

VASSAL's UI is the most straightforward and intuitive you'll encounter. To relocate a component, simply click and drag. When you connect to the server, you will see your opponent's pieces move on your screen in real time. You can also see other people's games in progress without participating. Games involving any number of players are supported. 

VASSAL modules are highly customisable, allowing you to select only the features that are appropriate for your game. For example, you can arrange the playing parts in windows using any combination of tabs, pull-down menus, and scroll lists. 

Game Pieces are the most modifiable feature of a VASSAL module. Each piece will have its own right-click menu containing functions particular to that piece type, along with keyboard shortcuts for each entry. Import your own graphics from any source in standard format. When defining your components, you can select from a long list of characteristics that can be combined in virtually endless ways. 

Note: Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 5 or later is required.