Version Latest
Ruffle v1.1
Windows 10 / Windows 11 / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows XP
5 MB

Ruffle is a program that acts like Flash Player but works on Windows computers. It's made using Rust, a programming language. Ruffle can be used on new computers and web browsers because it's built to work well with them. It's safer than Flash because it avoids the security problems Flash had.

It's simple to use Ruffle. You can install it on your computer or website, and it will automatically make Flash content work without needing any extra setup. This makes it easy to update websites that still use Flash. Ruffle is free to use and is made by people who volunteer their time.

If you often visit websites with Flash but they don't have Ruffle, or you want the best version of Ruffle for every site, you can add the Ruffle extension to your Chrome browser.


  1. Compatibility: Ruffle works on all modern operating systems and browsers, including iOS and Android, bringing Flash content back to the web.
  2. Safety: Built with Rust, Ruffle leverages modern browser sandboxing and memory safety guarantees to avoid the security vulnerabilities associated with Flash.
  3. Ease of Use: Simple installation process for both users and website owners, with automatic detection and conversion of existing Flash content into Ruffle players.
  4. Seamless Integration: Allows for transparent upgrading of websites still using Flash, ensuring continuity without the need for extra configuration.
  5. Open Source: Entirely open-source project maintained by volunteers, fostering community collaboration and development.


  1. Performance: While Ruffle aims to replicate Flash functionality, there may be slight performance differences or compatibility issues with certain Flash content.
  2. Dependency on WebAssembly: Reliance on WebAssembly may introduce compatibility concerns with older browsers or systems not supporting this technology.
  3. Limited Features: Depending on the complexity of Flash content, some advanced features or interactions may not be fully supported by Ruffle.
  4. Development Pace: Being maintained by volunteers, the pace of updates and feature additions may vary, potentially leading to slower responses to emerging needs or issues.
  5. Extension Requirement: For users wanting to ensure Ruffle compatibility on all websites, installing the browser extension may add an extra step and dependency.