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RubyInstaller v3.3.1 (64-bit)
Windows 10 / Windows 11 / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows XP
121 MB

This is a standalone Windows installer that includes the Ruby programming language, an execution environment, vital documentation, and more. 

RubyInstaller is the simplest and most popular Ruby environment for Windows. And Ruby is an excellent language for both beginners and pros. It is suited for both short scripts and huge applications. It combines the capabilities of native Windows programs with MSYS2's extensive UNIX toolset and the enormous repository of MINGW libraries. 

It provides an excellent basis for Ruby development and production, particularly if you want to use Ruby for day-to-day scripting or need access to Windows resources such as hardware devices, DLLs, OLE, graphical user interfaces, or GPU. 

Despite the Ruby community's ongoing efforts to make Ruby on Windows as smooth as possible, it remains slower and less convenient than Linux or macOS. Some of the flaws are related to Windows operating system internals (such as insufficient shell support), while others are due to the fact that many Ruby writers prefer a UNIX-style environment. 

Cygwin is an alternative to Ruby Installer 64-bit. It provides a POSIX environment for Windows. Ruby can be installed with many other tools, but it cannot directly execute Linux binaries (unlike WSL). Cygwin has only a few advantages over RubyInstaller, like a better shell and universal UTF-8 support. However, it runs slower and makes it impossible to access Windows native resources. 

Specifically, the RubyInstaller's goals are: 

  • Create an easy-to-use Windows installer to rapidly and painlessly install a fully functional baseline MRI Ruby environment on Windows systems. 
  • Provide an optional Development Kit for individuals who want to build mswin32-compatible Ruby extensions natively on Windows platforms with an MSys/MinGW toolchain. 
  • This project, together with complementing projects such as rake-compiler, provides a build environment that allows developers to easily generate Ruby and Ruby C extensions from source code. 
  • Add value to the increasing community of Windows-based Ruby developers by creating a repository for summarizing the hard-won lessons and challenges associated with producing Ruby and Ruby C extensions on Windows.