Version Latest
Process Explorer 17.05
Windows / Windows 10 / Windows 11 / Windows 7 / Windows 8
3.4 MB

Have you ever wondered which program is currently opening a specific file or directory? You can now simply find out using Process Explorer. This utility displays information about the handles and Dynamic Link Libraries (DLLs) that processes have opened or loaded.

User Interface

The Process Explorer interface has two sub-windows. The top pane always shows a list of currently active processes, as well as the names of the accounts linked with them. The bottom window displays information based on the app's mode. In handle mode, you can see the handles opened by the selected process in the upper pane. In DLL mode, you can examine which DLLs and memory-mapped files the process has loaded. It also includes a robust search tool that allows you to easily discover programs that have opened specific handles or loaded DLLs. 

Microsoft Process Explorer's unique capabilities make it invaluable for troubleshooting DLL version issues and managing leaks. It provides useful information about the inner workings of Windows and programs. 

MS Process Explorer is a free advanced program created by Microsoft Sysinternals that displays a complete list of the processes, threads, and DLLs running on your Windows system. It goes beyond the normal Task Manager by providing detailed information about each process, such as linked services, performance indicators, and even the ability to control ongoing processes. Process Explorer is an indispensable tool for system administrators, power users, and troubleshooting aficionados.


Simply start the software (procexp.exe).

Key Features

Process and System Information 
The program shows a tree-like structure of all running processes, allowing you to investigate process dependencies and observe how they interact with one another. 

Detailed Process Information 
You may view detailed information about each process, including as its executable location, command-line options, memory utilization, open files, and loaded DLLs. 

Real-time CPU and GPU Monitoring 
The software monitors CPU and GPU activity in real time, enabling you to discover resource-intensive processes and diagnose performance issues. 

Powerful Search and Filtering 
It allows you to search for certain processes, modules, handles, or DLLs, which makes it easy to find and analyze specific components. 

Process and Thread Highlighting 
It displays processes and threads associated with specific windows or services, making it easy to track out their sources. 

Handles and DLL 
You can examine open handles and loaded DLLs to better understand the resources required by running processes. 

System Tray Integration 
It can replace the normal Windows Task Manager and integrate into the system tray for easy access.

How to Use

  • Download and install the application from the Microsoft Sysinternals website or Filesalad. 
  • Launch the app. By default, it displays a comprehensive list of ongoing processes. 
  • Explore the various columns and tabs to learn more about individual processes, including CPU and memory use. 
  • Right-clicking on a process opens a context menu with options such as stopping the process, searching online for further information, or studying its properties. 
  • Use the search and filter tools to discover certain processes, handles, or DLLs. 
  • Customize the application's settings to your liking, such as changing the refresh rate or replacing the Task Manager.


Is Microsoft Process Explorer compatible with all Windows versions? 
Yes, Microsoft Process Explorer works with Windows 11, 10, 8, 7, Vista, and XP. 

Can I use Process Explorer to terminate processes? 
Yes, it allows you to stop processes; however, be cautious because terminating important system processes can cause instability or crashes. 

How is Process Explorer different from the default Task Manager? 
It provides more detailed information about processes, handles, and DLLs. It also supports real-time CPU and GPU monitoring, extensive search and filtering, and process control. 

Can I store the process data for future analysis? 
Yes, the program lets you save process data as a snapshot or as a CSV file for later study. 

Is Microsoft Process Explorer free to use? 
Yes, the software is free to download and use for both personal and business reasons.

System Requirements

  • Operating System: Windows XP or later (compatible with Windows 11). 
  • CPU: 1GHz or above. 
  • RAM: 1 gigabyte or more 
  • Disk Space: 10 MB (When file is unpacked)


  • Provides extensive process and system information. 
  • Real-time CPU and GPU monitoring. 
  • Effective search and filtering options. 
  • Integration with the system tray for easy access. 
  • lightweight and free to use.


  • May overwhelm casual users with its complex features. 
  • It requires considerable learning to fully maximize its powers.


Microsoft Process Explorer is a great software tool for learning about the inner workings of your Windows system. With its extensive information, real-time monitoring, and advanced search features, the program outperforms the default Task Manager, allowing users to properly evaluate processes, fix performance issues, and maintain system stability. 

Whether you're a system administrator, a power user, or just inquisitive about your computer's activities, Process Explorer is an essential tool in your software armory. Download it now and explore the depths of your system like never before!

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