NIUBI Partition Editor is a special 1-Second Rollback technology to safeguard system and data; in the event that a software or hardware problem arises during disk partition modification, the computer instantly reverts to its initial state. Disk partition can be shrunk and expanded without a reboot. Compared to ALL other programs, the special file-moving technique speeds up partition resizing by 30% to 300%.
Completely functional partitioning and optimization solution for PCs and servers. You can complete the majority of your disk partition maintenance tasks. NIUBI Partition Editor is meant to operate in virtual mode to prevent errors. Your actions will appear as pending; the actual disk partition won't be changed until you click "Apply" to finish." All varieties of hardware RAID arrays, Hyper-V, VMware virtual drives, and internal and external hard drives are supported.
Features and Highlights
Expand the disk partition
Dividers can be resized, extended, moved, and merged to maximize space utilization without sacrificing data.
Division Administration
Make, Remove, Arrange, Search, duplicate the partition, Modify the drive letter and partition label. Configure the active partition, etc.
Change the Partition of the Disk
MBR to GPT disk conversion Logical partition conversion from/to primary Convert the FAT32 partition from NTFS.
System Enhancement
partition defragmentation Resolve file system errors, inspect disk/partition attributes, scan for faulty sectors, and so on.
Information Security
Disable the partition, To delete data from disk/partition/Unallocated space, set the disk read-only attribute.
Migration and Clone
To back up or migrate data, you can either migrate the operating system to a new disk or clone the entire disk.
Note: Limited functionality in the demo version.
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