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Moho Anime Studio v14.2
Windows 10 / Windows 11 / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows XP
1 MB

Everything you need to make a great cartoon like a pro. Moho(formerly Anime Studio Pro) has the best 2D rigging system on the market. It also has standard animation tools that work with it, which makes it easier and faster to get professional results.

For professionals who want a faster alternative to traditional animation, Moho Pro is great. Smart BonesTM, Smart Warp, Bezier handles optimized for animation, frame-by-frame tools, a professional timeline, physics, motion tracking, motion graphs, 64-bit architecture, and many more make this the most advanced animation program for digital artists. It combines cutting-edge features with powerful technology to make the most unique animation program for digital artists.

Features and Highlights

Cutting edge Smart BonesTM
Smart Bones is a great tool that lessens or gets rid of distortion around your character's joints, especially knees and elbows. With the Smart Bones control handles, you can group a set of points and make motion that looks like it's in 3D. The motion can be easily repeated with the turn of a dial. 

FBX Support for People Who Make Games with UnityTM
UnityTM game developers and users can now use FBX support for animated 2D content in Moho Pro. This means that they won't have to make fixed sprites for game development and will be able to get the exact look and feel they want. The most popular way to combine animated 2D and 3D assets in Unity is to use FBX, Autodesk®'s flexible file format for 3D animation. 

Limitations on Bones
The bones of Moho have been greatly improved in a number of important ways. There will be rigging options in the new bone constraints tool that will help you make characters that are more complex and powerful. The independent angle constraint lets a bone keep its world angle, like a camera crane. It doesn't care about inverse kinematics or its bone parents. Bone limits work best on robotic arms or character feet that stay in place even when the rest of the leg moves. 

Bring in Photoshop files
You can import Photoshop files that already exist and keep all of their levels. When you make changes in Photoshop, they are immediately reflected in the loaded file in Anime Studio. This lets you keep improving your Photoshop document. When PSD files are added, they can use many Photoshop features, such as blending modes, layer opacity, smart objects, and smart filters. You can also work with groups, and you can set them up in Photoshop so that they are imported directly into the app as switch layers, which makes animating faster. 

Connect to media in real time
The new Real-Time Media Connection in Anime Studio updates the picture, movie, and sound files in imported Anime Studio files when they are changed in a different software. This is a great way to improve the workflow for both people and production studios. 

Foundation for media
Media Foundation will now be used by the 64-bit Windows version of Moho. You no longer need to install QuickTime in order to import music and video files in formats like MP3, AAC, MP4, and QuickTime. The application can use the Windows video Foundation video library to make movies when exporting animations on Windows 7 and higher. The application can use the DirectShow video library to make movies when exporting animations on Windows XP and higher. 

Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) Acceleration uses your computer's hardware to improve speed and quality for several layer types. It also lets you see exactly what the tool is doing as you add a stroke or shape to the Workspace. The speed boost will help get rid of pixelation and other artifacts when working with Vector and Image layers and other visual elements. 

Controls for Nested Layers
Before, bones could only manage their own direct children. Now bones can control their own children's children. And there are vector layers inside a group inside that bone layer. If nesting layer control is turned on, the bone layer can change the art in those vector layers. This gives you more rigging choices while also making the layer hierarchy easier to understand and more organized. 

With Flexi-Binding, you can separate the effects of a group of bones from those of the other bones. For instance, the art for the right arm should only be affected by the bones in that arm. That means you don't have to separate the art on frame zero and then use the Offset Bone tool to put it back together again. This is a great new item for vectors and pictures. 

The particle source can be changed.
With Particle Layers, you can now start your particles from any shape, even ones with holes in them. Just put your reference layer at the very bottom of the Particle Layer folder to do this. You are all set! Just make sure that "Use base layer as source" is checked in your Layer Settings. 

Better depth of field
Through the Project Settings, you can now add a Depth of Field effect. When you use the Orbit Tool, you can see where your focus will be on the Workspace. This is a great addition if you can't remember how to change the look with the Depth of Field settings. If you move the focus line closer to the assets, they will be in focus while, based on your focus range, everything else will be blurry. 

Scripting: More power and access for scripting. It supports complicated scripting and comes with updates. Through the programming API, more of the program's functions and data structures can be seen. This lets more experienced technical users make tools and add-ons that are more specific to their needs. 

Layer Comps
With one click, you can export multiple levels separately. Layer comps are helpful if you want to share only certain parts of your scene so that you can combine them in another program. You can make a layer comp that works with background elements, one that works with characters, and one that works with main elements or titles, for example. You can turn groups on and off until you get parts that make sense together. After that, make a new layer comp from that group. When it's time to render, you can pick which layer comps to save as a movie file. 

Flexible options for importing and exporting HD video
Anime Studio lets you add many types of other media files to an animated project. You can bring in video files in QuickTime®, AVI, or MPEG-4 format, or even Poser 3D scenes. With image-based modeling, you can take 2D vector layers and turn them into 3D models. And the Content Library that comes with it has hundreds of characters, tools, and other things that are ready to use. 

Add Patch Layers 
Patch Layers are like masks in that they let you hide parts of a layer. They were made for building figures. Make each part of the body independently, and then hide the lines that overlap. To get the style you want, change the patch's size to perfectly blend the layers. 

Architecture with 64 bits 
The game Moho Anime Studio is 64-bit. People who use 64-bit machines will find that their speed and memory are better. Speed up the processing process and make the preview work better. 

Markers on a timeline 
Make notes and comments on the timeline so you can find them again later. 

Bones That Are Shy 
You should only hide and see the bones you need right now. 

Tool for Cropping Images 
Anime Studio makes it easy and quick to crop your pictures. 

Copying Content: It's simple to move content and levels from one document to another. 

Cut and Paste Keyframes 
To move animations and keyframes from one layer to another or even to a different project, you can copy and paste them. 

Note: You can try it for 30 days.