Version Latest
Groovy 4.0.20
Windows / Windows 10 / Windows 11 / Windows 7 / Windows 8
46 MB

To achieve ambitious automation goals, leverage Gradle's broad API and mature community of plugins and integrations. Model, integrate, and organize the entire software delivery process. 

Scale-out development using sleek, lightning-fast builds. It persistently pursues performance, from compile avoidance to advanced caching and beyond, allowing your team to deliver on a continual basis. 

It works with many popular IDEs, including Android Studio, Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA, Visual Studio, and XCode. Gradle can also be launched using the command-line interface in your terminal or through your continuous integration server. App build scans help you understand build findings, increase build performance, and cooperate to solve problems faster.

Features and Highlights

Flat learning curve
The syntax is concise, clear, and expressive, making it simple to learn for Java developers. 

Smooth Java integration
Integrates and interacts seamlessly and transparently with Java and any third-party libraries. 

Vibrant and rich ecosystem
Web development, reactive apps, concurrency/asynchronous/parallelism libraries, test frameworks, build tools, code analysis, and GUI development. 

Powerful features
Closures, constructors, runtime and compile-time metaprogramming, functional programming, type inference, and static compilation. 

Domain-Specific Languages
Flexible and malleable syntax, as well as advanced integration and modification methods, allow you to embed comprehensible business rules into your applications. 

Scripting and testing glue
Ideal for building short and manageable tests, as well as all build and automation chores. 

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