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Godot Engine 4.2.2 (64-bit)
Windows / Windows 10 / Windows 11 / Windows 7 / Windows 8
47 MB

Godot Engine is a powerful, feature-rich, multi-platform 2D and 3D open-source game engine for Windows PC! Godot provides a large range of standard tools, allowing you to focus solely on developing your game rather than rebuilding the wheel. Godot Engine is totally free and open-source, with a very permissive MIT license. There are no strings connected, no royalties, nothing. You own your game, right down to the last line of engine code.

Features and Highlights

  • The visual editor is packed of mature tools. 
  • Uncluttered user interface with context-sensitive editors. 
  • Amazing scene system that supports instancing and inheritance. 
  • User-friendly content production interfaces for artists, level designers, and animators. 
  • Visual shader editing in 2D and 3D. 
  • Live editing is persistent (changes are not lost even when the game is stopped). Live edit on mobile devices!

Create any kind of complex 2D games

  • There are no hacks, just a fully dedicated 2D engine. 
  • Use pixels as your unit, but scale to any screen size and ratio. 
  • Custom 2D physics engine that uses pixel coordinates. 
  • A flexible kinematic controller for collisions without physics. 
  • Convert 3D models to sprites for 2D.

Create great-looking 3D games

  • Import fully animated 3D models from 3DS Max, Maya, Blender, and other applications. 
  • The skeleton deforms and blends shapes. 
  • Various light types, including shadow mapping. 
  • Render using HDR, anti-aliasing, and linear color modes. 
  • Additional post-processing options include fog, glow, bloom, and color adjustments. 
  • Support for Physically Based Rendering is scheduled until the end of 2016

Add behaviors to objects with a built-in scripting

  • Import fully animated 3D models from 3DS Max, Maya, Blender, and other applications. 
  • The skeleton deforms and blends shapes. 
  • Various light types, including shadow mapping. 
  • Render using HDR, anti-aliasing, and linear color modes. 
  • Additional post-processing options include fog, glow, bloom, and color adjustments. 
  • Support for Physically Based Rendering is scheduled until the end of 2016.

Deploy games everywhere!

  • Mobile platforms include iOS, Android, and BlackBerry OS. 
  • Desktop platforms include Windows, macOS, Linux, *BSD, and Haiku. 
  • Web Platforms: HTML5 (with Emscripten) 
  • Easily deploy and export to most platforms with a single click. It is very easy to develop bespoke builds.

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