Version Latest
Go 1.22.2
Windows / Windows 10 / Windows 11 / Windows 7 / Windows 8
60 MB

Go (also known as Golang) is a standalone programming language editor and compiler that offers PC app software engineers a fresh new approach to develop PC apps using simple syntax derived from the C language and a plethora of built-in tools that help speed up their everyday workflow. 

Go, developed in an open source environment under the leadership of the Google corporation, now provides everyone (especially novices) with a compelling development environment with a wide range of useful tools such as source code samples, extensive documentation, libraries, compiling tools, and built-in services such as garbage collection, dynamic and predictive typing, safety options, and much more.

  • Simple to learn and ideal for teams. 
  • Built-in concurrency and a strong standard library. 
  • A vast network of partners, communities, and technologies.

This programming language was originally developed in 2007 as an internal tool at Google to improve the productivity of a large number of multithreaded, networking, and database processing projects. It was released to the public in 2012, and it has since become a popular tool for many open-source software projects around the world. In addition to open-source work, Go helped create popular solutions for Cloudflare, Netflix, SoundCloud, Twitch, Uber, and others. Go has had 19 notable modifications since its first release, the most recent of which will be available in the summer of 2022.

Discover a wealth of educational resources, including guided tours, classes, books, and more!

Google has assured that Go is a viable option for software developers of all skill levels by giving this development environment with all of the commands available in modern programming languages. This programming language is thought to be easier to use than standard C, with streamlined and simple commands and dynamic syntax, as well as built-in support for concurrent actions and multi-threaded processing, both of which are required for the construction of modern apps. 

Go supports code formatting, remote operations, variable renaming, code generators, code execution, binary compilation, and everything else that modern programmers need for their applications. The program has two built-in compilers: "gccgo" as a GCC frontend, and "gc" for generating fully featured apps for all major 32-bit and 64-bit platforms. Go projects can be compiled to JavaScript using the third-party library GopherJS.


What is Go? 
Go is a free and open-source programming language intended to be efficient and scalable for software development. 

What are the advantages to utilizing Go? 
Go provides numerous benefits, including improved memory performance, faster build times, a robust standard library, and support for multiple IDEs. It also supports automatic formatting and documentation production, making it simple for developers to work on huge projects. 

Can I use Go to build web applications? 
Yes, Go is a great option for web development. It includes strong tools and libraries to help you create quick and scalable online applications. 

Is Go suited for DevOps and site reliability engineering? 
Yes, Go is designed to enable DevOps and Site Reliability Engineering. Its quick build times and concise syntax make it an excellent alternative for these tasks. 

Which OS systems does Go support? 
Go works with a wide number of operating systems, including Windows, macOS, Linux, and FreeBSD. It also works on a variety of hardware platforms, including x86, x64, and ARM. 


  • Easy to learn and great for teams
  • Built-in concurrency and robust standard library
  • Large ecosystem of partners, communities, and tools
  • Enhanced memory performance
  • Fast build times
  • Support for DevOps and Site Reliability Engineering
  • Automatic formatting and doc generation
  • Supports multiple IDEs
  • Cross-platform support


  • Smaller community compared to some other programming languages
  • Limited support for some libraries and tools


Overall, Go is a standalone programming language that aims to give software professionals with a modern and efficient working environment. It was developed in an open-source environment under Google's direction and has built-in features including trash collection, dynamic and predictive typing, and safety options. It is simple to use and ideal for teams, with a strong standard library and a large ecosystem of partners, communities, and tools. 

Despite having a smaller community than other programming languages and restricted support for specific libraries and tools, Go is a good choice for software developers of all ability levels. All recommendations from the Filesalad review team! 
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