Version Latest
CMake 3.29.2 (64-bit)
Windows / Windows 10 / Windows 11 / Windows 7 / Windows 8
32.4 MB

CMake is a set of open-source, cross-platform tools for building, testing, and packaging software. The program is used to control the software compilation process with simple platform and compiler independent configuration files, as well as to generate native makefiles and workspaces for usage in your preferred compiler environment. Kitware developed the package of tools in response to the demand for a strong, cross-platform build environment for open-source projects like ITK and VTK. 

CMake 64 bit is an extendable, open-source system that controls the build process across operating systems and compilers. Unlike many cross-platform systems, it is intended to be used alongside the native build environment. Simple configuration files (known as CMakeLists.txt files) are inserted in each source directory to generate standard build files (e.g., makefiles on Unix and projects/workspaces in Windows MSVC), which are then used as usual. It may construct a native build environment that compiles source code, libraries, wrappers, and executables in any combination.

It supports both in-place and out-of-place builds, allowing for numerous builds from the same source tree. It also supports both static and dynamic library builds. Another useful feature of the software is that it creates a cache file that can be utilized with a graphical editor. When CMake starts, it looks for files, libraries, and executables and may come across optional build directives. This information is stored in the cache, which the user can alter before the native build files are generated. 

CMake is intended to accommodate complex directory hierarchies and applications that depend on several libraries. For example, it enables projects made up of many toolkits (also known as libraries), each of which may comprise several directories, and the application is dependent on the toolkits as well as extra code. It can also handle circumstances in which executables must be created in order to generate code, which is subsequently compiled and linked into a finished application. Because the program is open source and has a simple, extensible design, it may be expanded as needed to accommodate new features.

Features and Highlights

  • Supports sophisticated, large-scale build environments. It has been proven in various large-scale initiatives. 
  • Creates native build files (e.g., makefiles on Unix and workspaces/projects on MS Visual C++). As a result, standard tools are compatible with any platform/compiler setup. 
  • It has powerful commands such as the ability to locate include files, libraries, and executables; include external CMake files that encapsulate standard functionality; interfaces with testing systems; supports recursive directory
  • traversal with variable inheritance; can run external programs; supports conditional builds; and regular expression expansion, among others. 
  • Supports both in-place and out-of-place constructions. Multiple compilation trees can be generated from a single source tree. 
  • It may be readily expanded to provide additional features. 
  • It uses a cache that is designed to be interfaced with a graphical editor. The cache allows users to conditionally control the build process.

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