Version Latest
Clean Email v1.1
Windows 10 / Windows 11 / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows XP
175 MB

Clean Email for PC includes a number of powerful tools (email cleaners) and features to assist you in quickly cleaning out an overloaded mailbox, as well as easily keeping it clean in the future by automating email cleaning tasks as they occur. It is intended as a bulk email cleaner that works with groups of emails. 

Note: This is a web application, so you can use it without downloading the app. The download button will take you to the sign up page directly!

Key Features

Efficient Organization 

Effortlessly tidy up your inbox with tools tailored to efficiently manage or eliminate numerous emails at once.

Speedy Cleanup 

Speedy Cleanup streamlines the process by categorizing commonly addressed emails, such as Social Notifications and Emails Older Than 3 Years, allowing for bulk relocation to the trash or archives with a single click. It serves as an optimal starting point for initial inbox cleanup.

Intelligent Filtering

Smart Views entail preset filters applicable across your entire mailbox, facilitating seamless email organization. Clean Email employs Smart Views to cluster akin emails together, simplifying the process of reviewing, sorting, and purging unnecessary emails or entire email sets from your mailbox.

Group Email Management

 Rather than addressing emails individually, our email cleaning application permits batch operations based on sender, email address, subject, label, date, recipient, or size. For instance, you can categorize emails by sender to streamline the removal of project-related or sender-specific content.

Customized Filters and Sorting 

Implement diverse email filters such as "Status" (Read or Unread), "Age" (timeframe since email dispatch or receipt), or keyword searches. Subsequently, arrange emails by age, sender, or size to identify and declutter obsolete emails.

Streamlined Email Visibility 

A straightforward filter facilitates the segregation of emails originating from real individuals versus automated systems, even those masquerading as manually sent messages.

Security Monitoring 

Privacy Guard by Clean Email routinely scans your inbox for potential breaches or security lapses, ensuring your personal information remains safeguarded against unauthorized access.

Effortless Unsubscribing and Blocking 

The unsubscribe tool prevents unwanted emails from inundating your inbox by issuing unsubscribe requests or pausing subscriptions. It also offers the option to block emails from senders lacking unsubscribe links.

Effective Unsubscribe and Block Functionality 

Unsubscribe requests are submitted on your behalf, and incoming emails are blocked if the request is disregarded, providing a reliable method to opt out of communications from particular senders.

Pause, Deferred Reading, and Priority 

Handling Temporarily halt subscriptions for a respite, move emails earmarked for later reading out of your inbox, or prioritize keeping only the newest emails until the next batch arrives.

Automated Archiving for Inbox Maintenance 

Automatically archive aging or irrelevant emails to sustain a clutter-free inbox. Configure rules to archive emails older than three months, delete "Read Later" content after consumption, or remove emails older than seven days based on specified parameters and filters.

Universal Email Provider Compatibility 

Clean Email extends support to major email service providers such as Gmail, Yahoo, AOL, iCloud, and Outlook, as well as any other provider employing IMAP protocols.