Version Latest
Appium 2.0
Windows / Windows 10 / Windows 11 / Windows 7 / Windows 8
245 MB

Appium is an open-source test automation platform that works with native, hybrid, and mobile web applications. Native apps are those created with SDKs for iOS, Android, and Windows, among other platforms. 

Appium Desktop is unsupported, no longer developed, and contains known security flaws. The recommendation is to use version 2.0 in the future.

A complete guide for Appium 1.x users who plan to upgrade to Appium 2.x. This article explains the critical changes that may affect your existing environments or test suites, as well as step-by-step recommendations for properly migrating them to ensure compatibility with Appium 2.0.


Appium is a completely open-source project and software ecosystem that enables UI automation across a variety of app platforms. These include mobile platforms like iOS, Android, and Tizen, online browsers like Chrome, Firefox, and Safari, desktop environments like macOS and Windows, TV platforms like Roku, tvOS, Android TV, Samsung, and others. 

Appium's major goal is to enable software test automation, specifically in determining whether an application's functionality works as planned. Unlike other types of software testing, UI automation allows testers to create code that simulates user interactions within the application's user interface. This technique closely mirrors real-world usage while exploiting automation's benefits, such as speed, scalability, and consistency. 

The app aims to provide a standardized set of capabilities to enable this type of automation across many platforms. While most platforms include their own UI automation tools, these are often platform-specific and necessitate specialized knowledge, programming language experience, and dedicated toolchains. It seeks to bring different automation technologies together under a single, stable interface that can be accessed using common programming languages. This means that Appium scripts can be written in a variety of languages, including Java, Python, Ruby, and JavaScript. 

Appium supports Safari on iOS, Chrome, and the built-in 'Browser' app on Android. A "review" is a native control that allows interaction with web information in hybrid apps. Phonegap and other projects make it simple to create hybrid apps by combining web technologies with native wrappers. 

Appium Philosophy 
Appium is based on the premise that testing native apps should not necessitate including an SDK or recompiling your program. Additionally, you should be allowed to utilize your favorite test practices, frameworks, and tools. The tool is an open-source project that has made design and tool choices to foster a strong contributing community. 

Use your favorite tools
The app intends to automate any mobile app written in any language or test framework, with complete access to back-end APIs and databases via test code. Use your favorite development tools to write tests in all of the programming languages listed above, and most likely more (with the Selenium WebDriver API and language-specific client libraries).

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