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Apache Tomcat 10.1.20
Windows / Windows 10 / Windows 11 / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows XP
12.8 MB

Apache Tomcat is an open-source implementation of Java Servlets, JavaServer Pages, Java Expression Language, and Java WebSocket technologies. Apache Tomcat software runs many large-scale, mission-critical online applications in a variety of industries and organizations. It is meant to be a global collaboration of top-tier developers.

Features and Highlights

  • Deployer - Use the Tomcat Deployer to deploy, precompile, and test web applications. 
  • Manager - Use the Manager web app to deploy, uninstall, and reinstall programs while they are running. 
  • Host Manager - Use the Host Manager web interface to add and remove virtual hosts while it is operating. 
  • Realms and Access Control - This section describes how to configure Realms (databases of users, passwords, and associated roles) for usage in web applications using Container Managed Security. 
  • Security Manager - Setting up and using a Java Security Manager to provide fine-grained control over the behavior of your online applications. 
  • JNDI Resources - Setting up standard and bespoke resources in the JNDI naming context given by each web application. 
  • JDBC DataSource - Setting up a JNDI DataSource with a database connection pool. Examples of numerous prominent databases. 
  • Classloading - Information regarding class loading in software, such as where to place your application's classes so they are visible. 
  • JSPs - Information on Jasper settings and JSP compiler usage. 
  • SSL/TLS - Installing and configuring SSL/TLS support so that Tomcat may serve requests over the HTTP protocol. 
  • SSI - Using Server Side Includes in the application. 
  • CGI - Using CGIs in the app. 
  • Proxy Support - Setting up the app to run behind a proxy server (or a web server that acts as a proxy server). 
  • MBeans Descriptors - Setting up MBean descriptor files for bespoke components. 
  • Default Servlet - Setting up the default servlet and changing directory listings. 
  • Clustering: Enable session replication in the environment. 
  • Balancer - Setting up, utilizing, and extending the load balancer application. 
  • Connectors include app-specific connectors as well as native web server integration. 
  • Monitoring and management entails enabling JMX Remote support and utilizing tools to monitor and manage Apache Tomcat. 
  • Logging - Setting up logging in the software. 
  • Apache Portable Runtime (APR) - APR improves performance, scalability, and interoperability with native server technologies. 
  • Virtual Hosting - Setting up virtual hosting in Tomcat. 
  • Advanced IO - Extensions for normal, blocking IO. 
  • Additional Components – Obtaining additional and optional components. 
  • Using libraries with Maven - Obtaining Tomcat jars with Maven. 
  • Security Considerations - Options for securing an installation. 
  • Windows Service - Runs the program as a service under Microsoft Windows. 
  • Windows Authentication - Set up the program to use integrated Windows authentication. 
  • High Concurrency JDBC Pool - Configuring the program to utilize a different JDBC pool. 
  • WebSocket support - Create WebSocket applications for Tomcat. 
  • URL rewriting - The regexp-based rewrite valve is used for conditional URL and host rewrites. 
  • Configuring CDI, JAX-RS, and Eclipse Microprofile support.

Note: Requires Java Runtime Environment.