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Task Killer 2.30
Windows / Windows 10 / Windows 11 / Windows 7 / Windows 8
326 KB

Task Killer is a powerful application management program that enables users of all skill levels to simply gain complete control over their apps. This little tool, designed to be an alternative to the popular Windows OS utility Task Manager, takes a very different approach to terminating processes, active apps, windows, and services. Instead of using a huge windowed interface, it provides its services through a small tray utility that users may access with a single mouse click. 

The development of this software began during the popularity of older versions of Windows OS, when frozen processes prevented users from accessing the regular Task Manager interface. To provide a reliable alternative to this issue, RSD Software experts created this little (less than half a megabyte) program with a wide range of built-in customizations. 

It is vital to remember that this app's full functionality is only available on Windows 7 and previous versions of the Windows operating system. On Windows 8, 8.1, 10, or 11, users will only have access to a limited list of active processes, drastically limiting its utility. Users with Windows XP-7, on the other hand, will have complete control over all active and background activities and services. 

The software provides significant customization possibilities, including a built-in tool for changing listing styles for active processes (number of columns and more). Important system processes can also be distinguished by their position (placed to the top of the list) or color. To avoid an inadvertent shutdown of a key process or service, users can activate confirmation dialogs or even blacklist certain programs. The app supports keyboard shortcuts, but they are disabled by default, allowing users to utilize both Task Manager and Task Killer.


  • Easy app management. 
  • Small tray utility 
  • Extensive customization


  • Absence of official support and updates 
  • Limited capability on newer Windows OS. 
  • There are no default keyboard shortcuts.

Task Killer is completely free and compatible with all contemporary versions of the Windows operating system. It is supplied as a simple automated installer that allows users of all skill levels to simply install it on their desktop PC or laptop.

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